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Cat trees can be great gifts

Have you ever had trouble coming up with clever gift ideas for family or close friends? Personally, I am concerned with whether they prefer a practical gift or something more fun or indulgent. The last thing I want is for someone to feel obligated to keep my gift for fear of hurting my feelings. Also, I like to be original and avoid the unforeseen. Then one day I realized that many of the people in my circle were cat owners, and I had a new idea.

As a cat owner, I’ve learned about cat trees and the many ways they help cats relieve boredom, get exercise and support their innate needs for certain stalking behaviors as well as “rest” time in areas isolated and secluded. After purchasing two cat trees for my own home, I was hooked. I had found the perfect gift idea!

Cat trees are made from medium weight particle board and wooden posts. The pieces are covered with materials like rugs or suede-like fabrics or even sisal rope (something cats love because it gives them something “approved” to scratch on, plus it releases a very intriguing scent). Small to medium sized units are fairly easy to put together. They are also quite affordable, especially if you are looking for a good coupon and find a website with free shipping.

I started my new gift-giving topic with my sister in California. I simply ordered a couple of small cat trees online and had them shipped to her. He didn’t mind at all that he had to put them together; in fact, it sounds like that’s part of the fun. She was completely taken by surprise by the gift idea and she reported that her two cats enjoyed the units right away. She pleased me to be able to bring a little joy to her birthday in a completely new and unexpected way.

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