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Early Pregnancy Symptoms Flow, Heartburn, Nausea and More

There are many common early pregnancy symptoms. Discharge from the vagina is almost universal in the first few weeks of a pregnancy. This increase in discharge is due to the increase in the growth of the cells that line the vagina. The walls naturally begin to thicken as soon as the egg is fertilized and this thickening can cause you to have a discharge of a milky white fluid. The medical term for this fluid is leucorrhea and it is harmless so it does not need any treatment. This discharge can actually continue throughout the pregnancy.

If you notice that the discharge has a foul odor, then this could be the symptom of a bacterial or yeast infection. Other symptoms of this that will require you to receive medical treatment in the form of vaginal suppositories and creams include itching and a burning sensation. Showering will have no effect on the normal discharge you experience during pregnancy.

Other early pregnancy symptoms that you may notice in addition to missing your normal menstrual period include:

Morning sickness. This is common in the first trimester of pregnancy and the name comes from the fact that most women have nausea early in the morning. Nausea and dizziness can occur at any time of the day or night. You may also develop an aversion to foods you used to love to eat or to the smell of certain foods being cooked. These food aversions and nausea are not harmful and are a normal part of carrying a baby in the womb. Feelings of being sick tend to subside around the 13th or 14th week, although some women continue to feel sick throughout their pregnancy. Some helpful tips include having crackers ready to settle your stomach and eating smaller meals more often so you don’t feel hungry.

Constipation. This ailment affects a large proportion of pregnant women. It is largely due to an increase in the body’s production of progesterone that decreases the colon’s ability to absorb water from the food you eat. Drinking more milk than usual can also cause bouts of constipation. This problem tends to get worse right after the first trimester. You can help alleviate the problem by making sure you drink plenty of water, get plenty of exercise, and include high-fiber foods in your diet.

Dizziness or Fainting. Many pregnant women find out they are pregnant after passing out and then go to the doctor to try to determine the cause. It is also more noticeable in the second trimester when you get up or move suddenly. During pregnancy, the blood vessels dilate at a spectacular rate and the amount of blood can be too much for the vessels. This is what causes dizziness or fainting.

Tired. Feeling more tired than usual is a very common early sign that you may be pregnant. The blood carries more oxygen to the fetus in the womb, which makes your heart beat faster, which in turn makes you feel fatigued. Take naps during the day or, if this is not possible, start going to bed earlier in the evening. Eating foods rich in protein and iron can also help reduce feelings of tiredness.

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