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Enjoying Epiphany in Spain – The Main Features

Epiphany is a special festival that is celebrated all over the world, but in Spain people are more excited to celebrate this day. It is celebrated twelve days after Christmas, on January 6. It is also known as the “Day of the Three Kings”. The word “Epiphany” originated from the Greek and means “manifestation” and the day is celebrated because people believe that God came to Earth as a human in the form of his son.

The children are very excited to receive the gifts from the wise men. On the morning of Epiphany, you can visit the local bakers in Spain and buy a local cake/cake called ‘Roscon’, which is a ring-shaped roll. The roll is filled with cream or chocolate and decorated with a paper crown. In addition, there will be two plastic-wrapped figurines inside the cake: a little king and a bean. Whoever takes the slice of cake with the little king is the king and the person will have good luck for the rest of the year. The person who receives the bean has to pay for the cake.

It is the best part and you can find this tasty sweet dish in any and every store or bakery. The day honors the three wise men who followed a star to find Jesus Christ in Bethlehem and gave him gifts the night he was born.

Celebrations take place throughout Spain but the main procession takes place in Madrid. Different parades are taken out in the streets. On January 5, people line the streets to catch a glimpse of the celebrations and special parade. The parade runs through the popular historic center and attracts a large number of people. The children follow the kings through the streets on that day. People dressed in beautiful costumes play drums and you can also see puppets and clowns dancing. The kings who ride the camels throw sweets and the children and young people collect them. If you are in Spain at the time of Kings, do not miss the parade. The children also go from house to house, sing songs and receive treats.

Children put straw or grain in their shoes to serve food to the king’s horses. These are left on the balconies and filled by parents at night with gifts and cookies. The three types represent three different continents. King Melchor represents Europe, King Gaspar represents Asia, and King Baltasar represents Africa. The children write letters to the kings and place them in special boxes that are kept in department stores. Children receive gifts according to their wish.

Malaga’s shopping centers stay open until very late. The sale also starts from December 26 and lasts until the end of this festival. It is worth spending time in Spain to enjoy the epiphany. This wonderful festival can create great memories for your children. The arrival of Epiphany marks the end of the festive season. You will surely enjoy spending time with your friends and family. People warmly welcome ‘Plow Monday’ the day after the festival. It’s the end of the festive season that spreads love and laughter everywhere.

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