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Hidden secrets of flirting with women

Isn’t it frustrating how some guys seem to be able to flirt with girls like it’s the easiest and most natural thing in the world, while the very idea of ​​flirting with women makes others weak? Well, the truth is, although very few people will admit it, millions of men around the world are really uncomfortable with the idea of ​​flirting with women or just aren’t sure what to do that WORKS, so avoid flirting altogether. What’s worse, because they’ve never learned how to flirt effectively with women, they end up making a fool of themselves through failed and ineffective efforts and become even more fearful of the process, so they put off trying…

Many men are afraid that they don’t know how to approach, say, or even flirt with women in a way that gets results and seems natural and not forced. If any of those points sound like you, then great!

You have come to the right place. Now for the good news… Like everything in life: flirting with women CAN be learned.

Remember it’s nothing personal

Before we can begin to delve into effective flirting techniques and the like, the first thing to keep in mind is that fear of rejection is, in fact, the number one fear among men and many men even feel it when a woman flirt with them first. Unfortunately, this fear is also what prevents most men from having the opportunity to snag the perfect woman. What you need to understand is that flirting doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, we are all born with the ability to flirt with women, but many have no idea how to take advantage of it, have never been taught it, and consequently have no idea how to hone these skills. Here are some of the best fundamental flirting strategies you can use to attract women.

How to know what women want

To be a hit with the ladies, you need to understand that women rarely mean what they say when it comes to a man’s attractiveness. For example, if you were to ask a woman what she looks for in a man, most would reply: ‘Someone, romantic, dependable, trustworthy.’ The truth is, when it comes to attractiveness, women really want spontaneity, confidence, excitement, unpredictability, and protection. It is these traits that you must learn to hone and exhibit when flirting. Women can also tease you and verbally challenge you. This is not a sign that they don’t like you; In fact, it’s the opposite. It is their form of ‘detection process’ and you will be rewarded if you remain calm, collected and confident. Also, women love to be challenged. Think about it. If you’re a sexy woman, you literally have men trying to chat you up every day (if not every hour). By doing things right and not acting needy, attractive women are much more intrigued and actually WANT to know why you’re not going for them, as well as responding positively to their verbal challenges without becoming defensive. This is a vast and complex topic to address within the confines of an article, but even being aware of this natural (yet commonly unexplained) process already gives you a distinct advantage over the less informed 99% of other Men.

Attraction is not a choice

Here’s some more good news for any men who are afraid to flirt with women because they feel like they’re not ‘hot enough’ to approach this or that girl. Well, unlike men, it is the personality and characteristics of a man that are the number one characteristics that make them attractive in the eyes of a Woman. Sure, if you look like Brad Pitt, it certainly won’t hurt your chances, but keep in mind that it’s a man’s personality that triggers signs of attraction in a woman, whereas with men it’s always physical attraction first, personality. later. We are wired differently and react accordingly, remember that!

trust is key

Quite often, this is the hurdle for most men when it comes to successfully flirting with women. At the same time, this is the number one reason you will be successful. It’s also why ‘Bad Boys’ tends to have more girls. His confidence (or even his arrogance) is an extreme turn-on for women. This, along with their unpredictability, makes them fascinating to women. Confidence is often perceived as something you either have or don’t have. That’s a lot of nonsense. Listen, all confidence really comes down to how comfortable you are doing something. Let’s take Driving as an example. How confident were you when she first got into that car and started driving? Not much, bad bet. However, over time you learned to drive and over time your confidence skyrocketed, right? After a year or two of driving, I bet it’s so easy for you now that you don’t even think twice about it. The two interesting points about this are, firstly, you WERE rubbish at it, until you practiced it repeatedly, and secondly, confidence increases exponentially with repeated practice. If you’re a naturally shy person, chances are you automatically steer clear of a beautiful woman you might meet at a party. Well, no. The next time you see a woman you’re attracted to, plant your feet on the ground, take a few deep breaths, and then take the first opportunity to approach her. It can help to repeatedly tell yourself that flirting with women is fun and will NOT get you arrested. Also, you can’t get better unless you practice. So practice makes perfect my good friend. Get to work and start getting closer!

Be fun – Seriously

Women find humor very, very attractive. For this reason, a woman is more likely to accept a little flirtation if you keep it slightly humorous. After all, flirting with women is supposed to be a fun activity. If it’s not fun, then there’s no point in doing it, right? Joking around and making subtle jokes are the best ways to keep things interesting. If you start out being too serious, chances are a woman will turn you off. So relax and have a little laugh. The absolute best flirting technique is actually creating a little verbal confrontation with the Woman. this way it shows that you are confident, not needy, defiant and is a great way to build sexual tension.

Learn and use ‘alpha’ body language

flirt with women It involves not only knowing what body language to use, but also how to read a woman’s body language. For example, if the woman you’re looking at is slowly running her fingers through her hair while you’re talking, then she’s definitely interested. But, if she runs her fingers through her hair quickly or in jerky movements, then it would be better for you to change your strategy or even walk out, as you may be wasting your time there. By exhibiting strong, confident body language, you can increase your attractiveness a thousandfold in women’s perception of you. Non-verbal communication is actually more important for women than it is for men. You owe it to yourself to learn this.

stand out from the crowd

Naturally, your appearance counts for flirting with women. This is not to say that only handsome men have a fighting chance in the flirting game. Rather, it just means that you should know how to bring out the best in yourself, physically and, more importantly, subtly stand out from the crowd. There are many techniques you can use to turn even the most nondescript person into someone who will have women dying to know more about you. The ‘Peacocking’ process means having a trendy or cool style of dress that sets you apart from the crowd and acts as a fantastic conversation starter.

These tips are just the tip of the iceberg. If you are serious about improving your success with women, you need to educate yourself on this important and fascinating topic.

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