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How a Six-Year-Old Said His Wishes and How You Can Too!

Discovering your life purpose is probably the easiest part when it comes to making the changes in your life so you can start creating the kind of life you want to live. It’s simply a matter of asking yourself a few questions, being honest with yourself, and thinking about the things you enjoy doing. When I’m working with a client, after I ask a few questions and the mind starts to think, they usually come up with some things that they enjoy doing, things that are really good to do. And before you know it, they know exactly what their special talents and abilities are and how they would like to apply them in their lives. It’s really simple and you can do the same easily as well.

The hardest part comes when we have to change the programming that we have been taught or learned throughout our lives.

I’m sure this is not the first time you’ve heard this before: “You can do, be and have anything you want.”

It is a true statement. However, most people find it hard to believe. And because they find it hard to believe, they can never do, be, and have what they want.

Come? The power is in believing. What you create is what you get.

If you can understand that statement, then you can understand the secret of success.

It is a simple statement. But it is a difficult concept to truly accept. Why is it difficult? Because most of us have the belief that we can’t have everything we want. We were taught that from the time we were born. Remember when you were a kid at the mall or supermarket with your parents and you saw tons of things you wanted? “Oooo, mommy, can I have this?” “Oooo, mommy, can I have that?” And your mother said, “Child, you can’t have everything you want.” And we accept it because they didn’t buy us everything we wanted. (Or at least my parents didn’t.)

So, we grew up believing that even though we wanted some things, we couldn’t get all the things we wanted.

The truth of the matter is that the statement is incorrect. You CAN get anything you want. The only problem is that at the time we were learning that we couldn’t get everything we wanted, we didn’t understand the principles of HOW to get everything we wanted. We depended on our parents to get us everything and they couldn’t, unless your last name is Kennedy or Rockefeller, most parents just couldn’t afford to get all the things we wanted.

If you’re honest with yourself, most of the things you were asking for, you really didn’t want anyway. It was something that caught your eye at the moment or you saw a commercial about it and thought it would be cool to have it.

But if there is something you REALLY want and really want, chances are you will eventually get it.

Let me give you an example. Last year for his birthday, my son Eli wanted professional DJ equipment. He was turning six years old and he didn’t think he was ready to have a professional DJ team. Judging from the way he took care of his toys and the way he broke everything he had, I felt that if we bought professional DJ equipment, I would end up mad at him for breaking it on the first day, after spending hundreds of dollars to buy it. . it’s. Also, kids always ask for things and the next day his interest changes and they throw it aside and never use it again.

I started to realize that I really had an interest in having DJ equipment. He talked about it all the time. She even cleaned out an area in her room so she could put it there when she received it. (Now mind you, I never told her I was going to get it. But for some reason, she didn’t listen and kept wanting it anyway.) She also started drawing pictures of him DJing with his team. She put these photos on the walls of his room. One, she placed right on top of his bed. He wanted the team for his birthday, which is in June. His birthday came and he was gone, without DJ equipment. But that didn’t discourage him. He started by cutting out pictures of DJ equipment from magazines and downloading pictures that he found on the web and pasting them onto construction paper and putting them up on his walls.

One day around Christmas time, when he and his sister were at my parents’ house for the week, my husband needed to stop at an audio store to buy a hard-to-find light bulb. So, we jumped in the car and went to the store. While I was in the store I saw the cutest DJ set up AND IT WAS ON SALE. For less than $200 we could buy Eli this DJ equipment he wanted so badly. So, we got it. The only extra thing I needed was a speaker that we also got on sale for $150. So for $350 he could have everything he wanted. I wasn’t too worried about him breaking it because it was relatively what I would have spent on it as a gift anyway.

Now let me explain to you how a six-year-old boy unknowingly got what he wanted. Read this carefully because what he did is exactly what he must do to get the things YOU want.

Eli wanted DJ equipment. Even though I, the father, said NO, that didn’t stop him from wanting to have what he wanted. Instead, he continued to believe that he was going to get the DJ equipment from him. He showed his faith by clearing an area in his room to make room for his team to arrive. He started visualizing himself DJing on his team. He demonstrated this by drawing pictures of himself and pinning them up in his room so that he could always be aware of what he wanted most. He talked about it all the time. “When I get my DJ gear, I’ll do this…” he put together collages of gear, pictures he downloaded from the computer or cut out of magazines. He was very clear about what he wanted. At night he would pray and ask God to make sure we get him that DJ equipment. He simply trusted and believed that it would be his.

Now, he wanted it for his birthday. But she didn’t get it then. Oh good. She somehow understood that it wasn’t always his way, but God’s way. That didn’t discourage him in the least. He just kept doing what he was doing, praying and believing that he would make it.

One day, out of the blue, his father and I went to an audio store to buy light bulbs. Light bulbs. Not DJ equipment. DJ equipment was the furthest thing from our minds. But it was God’s plan that we ended up in that store that day, the day they had a sale on DJ equipment. While my husband was looking for the light bulb he needed, I wandered around and ended up in a room that had DJ equipment. I wasn’t really thinking of buying anything, and to tell you the truth, I wasn’t thinking of Eli wanting DJ equipment. He was playing with the turntables they had and suddenly a small thing that looked like a suitcase caught my eye. I opened it up and inside were two CD players and a mixer. I thought it was the cutest little thing and showed it to my husband. My husband said, “That’s exactly what Eli needs. That would be nice for him.” So I asked my husband to ask, just out of curiosity, how much for the package. And the rest is history.

We took it home and set it up in the exact spot Eli had left in his room. When he came home after visiting his grandparents, he was the happiest child in the world. He kept saying, “I knew he was getting it. I knew he was getting it.” He smiled for days. Five months later, he had his first concert. And now his schedule is filling up fast for summer concerts. He will be seven years old on the 28th of this month, and he is already a “professional” DJ. (Shameless plug: If he lives in the New Jersey, Pocono area and wants a DJ, Eli is available. Email me.)

These are the steps that Eli applied to get what he wanted. Take these steps and apply them to his life so he can get what he wants.

1. He knew EXACTLY what he wanted. You must know exactly what you want and not get carried away by it. 2. Believed, without a doubt, that she was going to get it. He did not allow others, his parents in this case, to persuade him to think otherwise. You have to believe that what you want is already yours and know that it is coming to you. Don’t listen to naysayers who will try to tell you that you are crazy or a dreamer. 3. He had so much faith, that he made room in his room to put his DJ equipment for the day it would happen. Have faith and believe that you will get what you want too. Make room for him in your life. If you want a new room set, throw out the old one. This shows how much faith you have in KNOWING the new set is coming. 4. He spent all of his spare time drawing pictures and putting them up in his room, keeping his mind focused on what he wanted most. Keep your mind on your wishes. Spend time visualizing yourself having what you want. Draw pictures or cut out images and post them to stay aware of your desires. 5. He prayed to God, thanking him for his DJ equipment, even before he had it. This showed gratitude because he knew that God was working for him. Thank God in advance for answering his prayers, showing faith that you believe he is working to accomplish the things he desires.

These are the only things you will have to do. But you will have to understand that God’s time is not always YOUR time. Eli did not receive the equipment from him for his birthday, the time that was set for it. But that didn’t discourage him. He kept doing what he was doing and in six months, he had what he wanted most.

It works this way ALL the time. If you don’t believe me, then what, do it anyway. When the results start happening, drop me a note at mailto:[email protected] and tell me all about it. I would like to celebrate with you.

ACTION POINT: Take this week to figure out exactly what it is you want. Write it. Then ask God to bring it to you. Draw pictures or cut out pictures of what you want. If you want to lose weight, find photos of people who look the way you want and hang the photos somewhere you can see them. If there is a particular car you want, find photos of that car and post them. So think about it, talk about it and dream about it. This is how the Law of Attraction comes into play: the energy you put out will come back to you. If you do these things, you will quickly receive the things you want. You will be surprised.

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