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How can yo-yo dieting affect your weight loss?

Most people start diet programs every couple of months but, in most cases, stop for a month or two and then start again, which is known as the yo-yo dieting effect. People don’t know how this type of diet can affect their bodies. It causes various problems, but people do not know that the yo-yo effect is the main cause of these problems.

“I don’t lose weight even though I’m on a diet…”

That is the main complaint of those who are suffering from the yo-yo effect. After several times on and off diet, your body loses its hormonal balance and cannot digest food normally. So even if you are on a diet, your body cannot cope with the diet and lose weight. The yo-yo effect will keep you from losing weight no matter how vigorous your diet is. This complaint is very common among women because they are more affected than men by hormonal imbalances and are more resistant than men to diets.

“I have stretch marks…”

Stretch marks are among the most common results of being on and off the diet. The skin is very affected by weight gain and loss so it stretches and recedes several times a year and that causes stripes or lines due to these movements. These markings start out red and turn pink, then white and stay that way. Women spend fortunes on these stretch marks to treat them but with no visible effect because they go back into the Yo Yo diet which makes more stretch marks appear.

If you are going to follow a food diet then you need to make sure that you will follow it for a long time to avoid such marks and such effects.

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