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How to Do Car Ownership Transfer in Dubai

Car Ownership Transfer

If you are wondering How To Do Car Ownership Transfer in Dubai, you are in the right place. Here are the steps that need to be followed. Firstly, you need to make sure that the car you are selling does not have a bank loan. Checking the registration card will reveal this. If it does, make sure that you bring a release letter from the bank with you. Also, you will need to bring the Power of Attorney along with a copy of Emirates Id and driving license.

car ownership transfer dubai

In UAE, you will be required to undergo car ownership transfer, whether you are buying or selling a car. The process is straightforward, but it does take time. Make sure you have all of the necessary documents, as you will be turned down if your documents are expired. You will also need to ensure that you get the car’s new registration number. In addition, you will need to update your insurance policy. When you complete the transfer, make sure both parties are physically present. If you do not have a number plate, you may need to use a flatbed or recovery truck. Always make sure that you have all of your documents ready for the transfer.

After acquiring the new ownership, you should register the car with the Dubai authorities. Once this is done, you will be given a new license plate and registration card. You will need to provide these documents to the authorities to verify your details. If you do not have these documents, you can also consider buying a second-hand vehicle. In both cases, you will need to provide the original car’s registration document and a copy of the owner’s passport.

How to Do Car Ownership Transfer in Dubai

During the transfer, both the seller and buyer need to be present. Alternatively, a power of attorney can also be used. You should be prepared to pay AED 400 for light vehicles, and AED 20 for an innovation or knowledge fee. While you must be physically present, you may send an authorized legal representative if you are not present. If the buyer cannot attend, the representative will need to bring a copy of the death certificate.

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After you’ve found the new owner of the car, you need to notify the UAE insurance authority. The UAE government has specific guidelines for how to do this. You can find them online. In addition, you can use the Auto Swap website to sell your car. If you are interested in selling your car, you can get the full details of the transfer process on CarSwitch. It will help you get your new car registration certificate and transfer the car’s registration.

how to transfer car ownership in dubai

Next, you should make sure that you’ve cleared all pending dues on the car. You can even pay online to avoid having to visit a bank to do this. Before you can transfer ownership of your car, you should ensure that the old owner has removed the registration number plate. You must also ensure that the new owner pays for any insurance and finance fees that may be owed to the previous owner. It’s that simple.

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