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How to get your guy to do what you want: learn how you can train your man

Not surprisingly, women want men who are affectionate, romantic, able to share their feelings, and care about her feelings as well. They want responsible, committed men who will help with chores. Well, ladies, if you want your man to change, you better be ready to work for it. Getting your guy to do what you want is no easy task. But if you’re willing to do it, it can be very rewarding in the end. Most men want to satisfy their woman’s needs. They want to be able to support and care for them. People always say you can’t change a man, but experts say you can guide men to do what you want them to do.

Humans demonstrate many behavior patterns that are like other animals, so it is possible that they respond to some of the same animal training methods.

When your man is misbehaving, don’t tell him to stop what he’s doing immediately. They don’t like to be treated like children. Chances are, if you correct their ways, they’ll feel like you’re acting like their mother. Men aim to please, so they will impulsively start to steer clear of behavior you won’t like. Timing is of the essence for this strategy. You have to give him an incentive at the exact moment he shows good behavior, otherwise he won’t be able to connect the dots.

The playful and misbehaved child in him will never go away no matter how old a man is. If you have something you need to do, be silly with him for a few minutes and then tell him you’ll keep playing with him after he does what you wanted him to do. He probably won’t frown at your request because he still feels good about your little fun time. Doing this over and over will make it do what you want it to do more easily.

When your guy is getting on your nerves, it’s much better to talk to him in a calm manner. Although this may be difficult to do, in the end, it will be to your advantage. Take a few minutes to collect yourself before confronting him. When you talk to him, keep your voice slow and even. It will be easier for your guy to hear what you are saying if you are not yelling at him. It is also important to comfort him while he says the harsh words by putting your hands on his arm.

Body language says it all. Don’t put your hands on your hips while talking to him. He will instinctively defend himself. Don’t stand humbly and bow your head either, this will make him think you’re too passive. Instead, maintain good standing posture and keep your head up so he feels you’re on the same level. Men are more likely to want to discuss things with you if you do this.

No matter what training techniques you use, a guy will only change his ways if he wants to. A boy has to see what the advantages are if he changes. Therefore, it is his job to show you these advantages. Efficient communication and self-awareness remain the keys to having a successful relationship.

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