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Looking for a glimpse of the beyond

An octogenarian man, by definition, is past his statistical expiration date. A similar statement cannot be made about women, as they live about 6 years longer.

This article is about the understandable goal of an octogenarian male seeker to get an idea of ​​where he can go soon. Of course, it is possible that those who firmly believe that there is nothing beyond earthly life will discover that this is the case. Those who believe or know that, after their death, they will reside in peace or joy in what they consider to be their promised Heaven, may be right, for them.

Naturally, there will be others (a very considerable number) who believe (because of their religious faith) in a continuity of existence through repeated reincarnations. Thus, earthly life would be followed by a life of some sort on the ‘Other Side’ (ie in another dimension), which would mean a return to earthly life. In this essentially Asian belief system, the entity having this experience is the human soul.

It is thus said that each soul is given the opportunity to improve further during each earthly life, until it is allowed to find a permanent home. For the metaphysical Hindu, this home is the Ocean of Consciousness, from which all human souls are said to have originated.

This Seeker (of knowledge) speculated that souls, being insubstantial entities, would not need a place of residence between earthly lives which is substantial. But he was disabused of this view by the discouraging words of a clairvoyant whom he respects: ‘Don’t be in a hurry to get to the Other Side. It won’t be much different from here. And don’t expect to meet God there. But you will have a great opportunity to continue your learning.’

His private reaction to that was: chance to learn – good; without God – no problem; no different from here, how is that? He then visualized insubstantial soul entities or spirits ‘living’ in a material plane or dimension that could, tangentially, be ‘here’ as well. That would allow easy access from the inhabitants of the spirit world to those of interest who are still on Earth.

Since those who have manifested on Earth are always dressed the way they had been on Earth, would this be how they would present themselves to one another in that temporary home or Way Station in the Hereafter? And communicate with fellow spirits and humans without needing a brain?

If so, then those scientists who claim that the human mind represents nothing more than the functioning of the brain, or that consciousness does not (or could not) exist when the human brain is dead, are dead wrong. In any case, on what evidence did they reach such conclusions? Did they follow the rules of the scientific method?

The spirit that had come to Earth to offer advice to his favorite nephew had ‘spoke’ to the latter’s clairvoyant and introduced himself exactly as any earthly human would. This was reported by the intermediary in this conversation, the clairvoyant.

Although there are many books written by so-called cognoscenti, no reliable account offered by a newly incarnated individual about life in the Afterlife seems to be available. Unfortunately, reports obtained under hypnosis are unreliable due to the incredible proven ability of the human brain to create scenarios independent of the mind (which is presumably attached to or derived from it). This Seeker can swear that the ability of his brain works independently.

However, it is not necessary, just interesting, to know details about the Afterlife, or about any details related to life between earthly lives. After all, in essence, life is made for learning, isn’t it? Having fun in the process is surely not prohibited.

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