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Strength lies solely in tenacity

Achieving the most important goals in life can be quite difficult. Strength lies solely in tenacity. In life, you have to put all your efforts into doing the best you can.

Taking the consistent steps required to run a business, maintain a home, or achieve a monumental goal, is something that requires perseverance. Taking these steps with a force of purpose puts the right energy behind them that will ensure your success. This is the definition of tenacity.

Tenacity is the theme that unites all innovators, entrepreneurs and problem solvers. If you want to reach those heights, make this skill part of your identity.

Being able to motivate yourself is a very important part of running your own business, and in the face of many adversities, this can be a challenging task in itself. Self Motivation is what it takes to persevere tenaciously and push yourself until you reach your goal. Scientists have discovered that the source of motivation in successful people comes from neurotransmitters in the brain, and specifically dopamine. I was excited to learn that motivated people have higher dopamine levels, as it is something we all have the ability to influence.

A lack of dopamine in your system could be responsible for fatigue, listlessness, forgetfulness, insomnia, sugar cravings, and of course, low motivation. The good news is that there are simple things you can do to increase your dopamine naturally.

Tenacity is about acting with a force of purpose behind them. There are many ways you can train your brain to focus on the positive outcomes you are striving for, one of my favorites is vision boards. They might sound childish, but they’re great for people who are driven by visual stimulation, which is a lot of us.

For those of you who prefer listening measures, record your kids playing, their favorite band, anything that anchors them back to what got them started toward their goal in the first place. Where is your business vision displayed in your workplace?

Obviously, it is important to complete your services to a high standard or deliver the products to your customers, but not at the expense of these income-generating activities. Set aside time in your routine to regularly complete these important activities, and don’t let any excuses get in the way.

Record the necessary data, including constants and variables that allow you to see where the impediments are and what is required to create improvements. Schedule time to routinely review and reflect on numbers and information. In the absence of tangible facts, our minds will fill these spaces with subjective assumptions that are not helpful in building resilience.

We often feel like the weight of responsibility for our business falls squarely on our own shoulders, and while this is true, it doesn’t mean we have to do everything without help. Delegate tasks among employees, ask neighbors or friends for help when you need it, or even lean on them when you’re feeling down and talk about your concerns.

We all have people in our lives that we can trust to help us when we need it most, sometimes the hardest part is raising your hand and asking for it. It can be as simple as a neighbor taking out the bins, or a family member watching the kids for a night, all these little things add up. Just knowing that people are there can be enough to lift the weight and allow you to get back on track.

Within our business, it is important that our employees feel the same sense of support as their co-workers. Psychological safety means creating a space where your employees feel they can trust each other to share their concerns without fear of shame or guilt and have permission to make the occasional mistake.

We can focus on the fears that arise and let us down, preventing us from stepping up and taking action. Sitting in our safe and comfortable space, letting procrastination and excuses be our saviors from all those fears. Or we can focus on all the possibilities that could come true if we stick to our plan and keep taking one day at a time.

There are many characteristics that people often attribute to success, but none is more necessary than tenacity. Without determination and the ability to commit to the task with hard work when the passion is quiet, the brightest ideas would fall asleep and forgotten.

Often people focus on the talent or brilliance involved in someone’s success. Smart men and women stand out for their intelligence while artists stand out for their creativity or talent. Talent and intelligence are wonderful things, but they don’t grow unless you strive to learn, grow, and achieve more. Your goals can only be achieved if you continue to live.

When success doesn’t come easily, it can appear from the outside that the successful have some innate talent or ability that we don’t. The truth is that everyone has the ability to succeed if they continually try, even in small ways, to improve and work towards their goal on a daily basis.

Great discoveries are made by people who didn’t give up. Whatever other talents they have, they couldn’t shine unless they push themselves to keep going, especially through failures.

Intelligence and quick wit are attractive and often highly prized. People who are naturally smart or talented often find it easier to improve their skills. In truth, however, the person who is determined and driven to succeed can outperform even the most intelligent and talented.

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