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The FDA proclaims that the consumption of mercury is beneficial

No matter how many times I read this report, I still have to read it again. After years of wrestling with the fact that inoculations and vaccines were full of mercury, I guess the good folks at “Fatal Drugs Allowed” or the FDA just decided that this poison is good for us. Therefore, the new party line is that mercury in fish is no longer harmful to pregnant and lactating women and young children.

In another surprise, Fatal Drugs Allowed declared that the protein mimic melamine, the substance guilty of causing illness and death in China last month, was safe in small amounts. This killer is found in infant formula in the United States. Just a few weeks ago Bispenol-A, a chemical found in plastic, was fine for human consumption. Makes me wonder what these people won’t allow.

Scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency called the ad “scientifically flawed and inadequate.” So says a report in the Washington Post. The folks at the watchdog, the Environmental Working Group, issued a letter, according to a post on its website that reads: “It’s a comment on how low the FDA has sunk as an agency. It was once a fierce protector of health.” of the United States, and now it’s nothing. more than a scapegoat for polluters”.

I guess that shouldn’t be surprising. This from the same agency that eliminated the proven use of THC for cancer treatment and instead gave us the same technology used in mustard gas as a replacement. It stands to reason that this genocidal agency continues to slowly kill the people of the US Just look at the lawsuits for nearly every drug pushed through its for-profit testing program. There’s nothing like quiet and gentle tactics to get rid of a population.

Let’s be honest. For years, Lethal Drug offenders have been under attack against mercury in dental fillings and mercury preservatives in vaccines. So instead of continuing to lie about it, I guess they just run a magic wand over mercury and shellfish and all of a sudden it’s safe.

The problem these criminals had was that while the use of mercury in vaccines and dental fillings was considered safe, they proposed that the mercury in fish was not. Yes, a puzzle. No problem, they just say that everything is safe now. Now these fools don’t have a paradox to contend with. That’s how it is! Mercury from fish, dental fillings, or vaccines are now safe.

I wonder if these fascists could magically make cyanide not only harmless but also beneficial?

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