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Top 9 Cool Kitchen Gadgets to Make Your Job Easier

Are you thinking of giving a good, useful and creative gift to your talented friend in the kitchen? You can redecorate your own kitchen with these cool kitchen utensils or gift your loved one one of these; to impress them and make everything easier for the creator as well.

Take a look at the following gadgets that will bring a smile to those who sweat in the hottest kitchen to feed their loved ones.

1. Fruit slicer: There are many varieties of fruit slicers available in the market today. The coolest ones are the ones that are properly shaped and practical. Banana slicers are best for kids who love to make their own snack, as they can be used to cut the whole banana into even pieces without the help of a dangerous sharp knife. The apple slicer with a large, strong, raised handle makes breakfast preparation easy.

2. Multi-Blade Herb Shears: These gadgets are for those who hate the knife as a cutting device. With this scissor-shaped multi-blade device, you can cut herbs into smaller, finer pieces with little effort and time.

3. Custom Rolling Pin: Custom rolling pins can be the best option for cookie and paratha makers. These pins come with engraved designs so you can create different shapes as you roll out your cookie or paratha dough.

4. Mobile-connected measuring devices: There are many devices that help you measure ingredients without making a lot of mess. There are apps for the phone to connect with these devices to get the accurate measurements.

5. Boiled Egg Molds: Boiled eggs are a favorite breakfast option. You can make it more interesting with eggs cooked in different ways. There are different types of molds for such creative minds; such as square-shaped, skull-shaped, etc. Just choose your favorite way and serve the best breakfast for yourself and your loved ones.

6. Ice Cube Molds: To serve your guests with fancy drinks, use the crystal gem silicone ice cube molds, or for themed parties, you can select the brain shaped molds to impress your kids and his friends.

7. Tea Infusers: Tea infusers of different shapes are an added attraction for decoration while serving. You can impress your guests with different shapes of tea infusers like leaning man, floating shark or “deep tea” diver etc.

8. Roll n’ pour: This roll n’ pour is shaped like a little rocking chair that can hold your juice or pitcher of water. It will help you easily pour the liquid from the pitcher to the glass without straining your hands, effortlessly.

9. Pancake Pen: These are best for moms with young children to lay out creative pancake shapes for your child to enjoy breakfast to the fullest. Even your child can try to make whatever shapes come to mind with this handy device.

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