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Transmutation of passions

I recently had lunch with my dear friend Darlene, who is a teacher in numerology and one of my favorite people to brainstorm. We often meet at a wonderful Thai restaurant in Wells, Maine, where we plan workshops, discuss world events, and simply enjoy being together.

I got my advance fortune cookie and it said:

“The greatest magic is the transmutation of passions.”

Hmm. That gave me a lot to think about. Interpreting a fortune cookie is a lot like English literature classes when my conclusions about a book do not match those of my teacher. So, take what fits here and interpret it differently.

In the Medicine Cards By Jamie Sams and David Carson, transmutation energy (fire medicine) is recognized with snake medicine and the life-death-rebirth cycle exemplified by the shedding of the snake’s skin.

In Australian bush flower essences (vibrational medicine where the flowers offer wonderful gifts of healing), transmutation is supported by multiple essences such as Bauhinia, when there is resistance to new ideas or ways of doing things, Mint bush to burn the dross or impurities in order to pass to a higher spiritual level, Banksia robur to reconnect with your passions, drive, and energy, to name just a few.

Often in a kinesiology healing session, the Cause time it is identified for the individual to release a blockage, problem or trauma that occurred. There is also a wonderful way to cleanse and transmute energy and that is with a process of identifying a Clarity time, a time in your life when all the stars aligned. Let me give you an example:

Years ago I had a client who was working to release child trauma and abuse. In this particular session, her priority was to clarify her belief that she would always be alone and would never have a relationship. Time of Clarity was the priority option and the identified age was the age of 5 years. I was puzzled because that was the age at which much of the abuse took place. He concentrated on breathing as I ran my hands over his forehead and the back of his head. Suddenly, she started crying (happy tears) and said that she looked up and saw a picture of Jesus on the wall and knew that she would never be alone! That was an amazing moment for both of us. That realization changed his thought pattern almost immediately and transmuted the old belief system.

  • What do you need to drop or shoot to regain a passion?

  • What is your passion?

  • Is your glass half full or half empty?

  • When do you have more clarity?

  • When in your life did the stars align and were you clear and focused?

New beginnings happen all the time. Be aware of new thoughts, new beliefs, new relationships, opportunities, and passions. Do not let them escape from you! Keep a conscience journal and transmute everything that no longer serves you. Allow for greater clarity, passion, and magic.

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