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Types of Communication Used in Public Relations Careers

Public relations careers use integrated communications to personalize the public image of a company, product, or person. Within public relations jobs, many different tools can be used to create an effective marketing plan that can be adjusted accordingly.

Relations with the Media imply making products and/or a company known to the different spaces of the press such as newspapers, magazines, bulletins, internet or television. Relevant stories are given to the media to promote products, of which the media cannot accept any gifts. Key tools are used in media relations and include items such as:

– Press kits include written information that supports the business. This may include press releases, business history, or information about the organization’s officers.
– Press releases (audio or video) include pre-recorded information that features the business as part of a story.
– Matt Release is a written article that is used as filler material. Mate releases are sent via syndicated services, email, fax or postal mail.
– Website press room appeals to the media while providing company contact information.

Media Tours occur when companies send a company representative to discuss a new product on television or radio talk shows. These representatives also conduct interviews with reporters online and offline. The spokesperson can be an employee of the company, but does not have to be. Some companies hire an independent person or a person who is considered an expert.

Newsletters are used for regular contact with an audience. Email and regular mail are used for these information letters and, if effective, they are well received.

Special events include a very wide variety of items including receptions, dinners or shows. The target audience can be very specific or quite varied. Making sure you convey the right message to the public is very important in this type of tool.

Speaking engagements may include conventions, meetings, or other demonstrations. The main goal of a speaking engagement is to establish the experience.

Sponsorships are used to build brand awareness through the association of a planned event or group. These opportunities can range from local to international levels, from t-shirts to cars and other items.

Employee relations is important to keep employees informed about business information, such as personal information, corporate events and other communication information.

Community Relations and Philanthropy includes building good relationships with parts of the community to minimize bad publicity that may arise.

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