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Vedic Astrology and Chess

Is chess a divine game? There are some obvious correlations between the game of chess and astrology that lead us to the conclusion that Chess is a game inspired by Universal Laws, perhaps by planetary movement.

Is chess another kind of astrology?

In Chess we have a board divided into 8 columns and 8 rows, while in Astrology we use the zodiacal circle divided into 12 signs.

In chess, we have 6 symbols: the pieces (King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn). In Astrology we have 7 symbols, the 7 traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn).

There are rules for the movement of these symbols and each one has a specific value or interpretation.

The Art of the Chess Player is to study and understand in depth the network of influences and forces on the chess board, in order to later elaborate a strategy that leads to the defeat of the opponent.

The Art of the Astrologer is to study and understand in depth the network of influences in the birth chart, and then draw a general conclusion from it.

So far, it seems like we only have some general rules that apply to most board games.

Pieces – Correlations of planets

Looking deeper into this, one can notice some surprising correlations. There are some strong correlations between pieces and planets.

The King is obviously correlated to the Sun. When the King is besieged and captured (checkmate), the game is over. The Moon is the fastest of all the planets, just like the Queen on the chessboard. In horary and elective (traditional Vedic astrology), the Moon is the most important planet to consider. This is the Queen in Chess.

Pawns are like children, who are traditionally ruled by the Moon. When they get old, that is, when they reach the other end of the board, they become Queens. Therefore, the Pawns are also correlated with the Moon.

Bishops are obviously correlated with Jupiter, as Jupiter rules religion and religious people. However, as the Bishops always move diagonally and there is the planet Mars whose glyph or symbol is a circle from which an arrow comes out in an oblique direction, this is why the Bishops can also be functionally associated with Mars. So, the nature of the Bishops is Jupiter/Mars.

Towers are also called castles and are therefore associated with Saturn. But since they move only horizontally or vertically and the ideogram for Venus is in the shape of a circle with a cross below it, we can say that the Rooks are functionally associated with Venus. So Rooks nature is Saturn/Venus.

Knights are also called Knights and they move in an unusual way by jumping over other pieces, as if they were flying. Thus, the Knights may be associated with Mercury, the Roman name for Hermes, the winged-sandaled, messenger god.

Houses – Game Stage Correlations

The astrological development of the game of Chess Next I will present the correlations between the twelve astrological houses of a birth chart and the development of a chess game.

The traditional “joys of the planets” is a particularly useful concept here. It refers to the house where a planet has fun, its energy being really appropriate and useful there. The astrological tradition considers that Mercury has its joy in the 1st house, the Moon in the 3rd house, Venus in the 5th house, Mars in the 6th house, the Sun in the 9th house, Jupiter in the 11th house and Saturn in the 12th. . home.

The first house is associated with the beginning of the game. The players move the first pieces. At this stage, the Knights are very important as they jump over the Pawns and can attack the opponent’s Pawns. Mercury (the Knights) has the joy of him in the 1st house.

House 2 is associated with the next stage of the game, the development of the pieces, the construction of a defense structure.

The 3rd house is associated with building a line of advanced Pawns (associated with the Moon), communicating and defending each other. At this stage Pawns are really important. The Moon has its joy in the 3rd house.

The fourth house is associated with castling. The King gets behind a wall of Pawns, in a safe place. The first part of a regular chess game is over.

House 5 is associated with thinking about an action strategy; Here the creativity of the player is put to the test. The main theme now is to strengthen one’s position to impress the opponent. The Rook (Venus) comes into play for the first time, as it comes out of the corner of the chessboard via castling. Venus has the joy of her in the fifth house.

The sixth house is associated with a stage of preparations. Once the general strategy has been established in the previous stage, now is the time to put it into practice, first with seemingly innocent moves. At the same time, one must be vigilant in speculating on any misplay by the opponent, while trying to correct weak points in the defense. The Knights (Mars) must be used to control the diagonals. Mars has the joy of him in the sixth house.

The seventh house is associated with attack, with manifest defiance. It is the first house on the horizon, and from now on, the game will be played in the open. The real war begins.

The 8th house is associated with traps and pitfalls, the most dangerous stage of the game, when the attack can fail and this would lead to a decisive counterattack. If the attack is successful, the opponent’s line of defense will be broken and some of his pieces will be captured: the 8th house is the 2nd house (pieces) flipped from the 7th house (opponent).

The 9th house is associated with important steps towards victory. Once the opponent’s line of defense has been broken, at this stage the King (Sun) can be threatened with check. The Sun has the joy of him in the 9th house.

The tenth house is the stage where the player is already leading and now has to plan the next steps to take towards victory.

The 11th house is associated with the final stage of the game, when the final plan is put into practice. After both sides have captured many pieces, the Knights (Jupiter) now have plenty of room to run around the chessboard. Jupiter has the joy of him in the 11th house.

House 12 is associated with the end of the game. The Rooks (Saturn) are supporting the Pawns from behind to advance and transform into Queens, which will checkmate the opponent’s King and bring victory. Saturn has his joy in the 12th house.

This is an astrological description of the game of chess, but chess is a game of wits, governed by the moves of the players. It depicts a mental war between two opposing players where the one with an agile mind and the strength to win wins this battle of minds. It is a board game played by two players.

It is generally believed that chess appeared in India around 5,000 BC. C. Various interesting legends abound in this fascinating game. One of the legends says that the wife of King Ravana invented the game 4000-5000 years ago.

There is also a reference in the Bhavishya Purana about the game. Mahabharata, the great Indian epic, mentions the game of Chaturanga played between the two opposing sides of the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

When the horoscope is simply a chart of the heavens calculated by the rules of astronomy, it shows certain positions of the planets and zodiacal signs in relation to the earth. Indian astrology is popularly known as Vedic astrology. This is not because it is in the Vedas (Veda means original knowledge and truth). There is no mention of astrology in the Vedas. However, it is one of the Vedangas, i.e. a member or branch of the Vedas, and dates back to the Vedic period. Several of the Poojas and remedial measures prescribed in Indian astrology are according to the Vedic system. Therefore, it is called Vedic astrology. Ramayan and Mahabharat are the evidences of Vedic Astrology.

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