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What does an eyebrow lift involve?

As men and women age, one of the first places wrinkles appear is on the forehead. The wrinkles are usually horizontal and make the person appear to be frowning all the time. This is sometimes associated with eyelid wrinkling, so both procedures are done at the same time. Talk to your plastic surgeon to see whether or not you need just a brow lift or a brow lift in conjunction with a blepharoplasty (the procedure that works on the eyelids). Some people also undergo a brow lift in conjunction with a face lift to achieve an overall smooth looking face.

A brow lift is usually performed under general anesthesia, although some doctors have approached local anesthesia with sedation. It can be done with an endoscope in which small incisions are made along the hairline or through an open procedure, in which the entire eyebrow hairline is incised. In an open procedure, the incision is made along the hairline, and the skin is dissected (separated) from the underlying tissue. Fatty areas are removed to smooth the forehead, and the forehead muscles are tightened if necessary.

Once the forehead lift is performed and the underlying tissues are smooth, the skin is repositioned over the area and excess skin is trimmed away. The incision is closed with absorbable sutures or staples, and the dressing is applied to the forehead to prevent bleeding and swelling. If staples are placed in the wound, they are removed within four to five days to avoid undue scarring.

If necessary, a blepharoplasty is performed to correct wrinkles and signs of aging on the eyelids, both on the upper and lower eyelids. If a facelift is performed, the incision along the scalp line is extended to the ears, and facial skin is trimmed after excess fat is removed and muscles are tightened.

A brow lift or brow lift is a very safe procedure that often makes you look many years younger than you did before surgery. The skin will be smooth and wrinkle-free for many years.

Some complications to be aware of include the death of part of the skin flap due to lack of circulation. This is fortunately a rare complication. You may get a wound infection that requires further surgery or antibiotics to heal. You may get excessive bleeding or bruising. A bruise is a collection of blood that “solidifies” into a lump. Local heat or excision is required to remove a hematoma. You may also have too visible scars. That is why the incision is made at the hairline, where it can be covered with hair.

Brow lift surgery should be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in brow or forehead lifts. When you speak with the surgeon, ask to see before and after photos of previous surgeries you have performed. Ask about the complication rate. In general, however, you should be happy with your brow lift procedure.

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