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What is Good For Women’s Health?

Women’s Health

Every woman deserves to be healthy and thrive – not just in her thirties, but throughout her life. That means tackling stress, taking care of your physical and mental health, and nurturing yourself with the things that matter most to you.

It’s a good idea to know what is important for your healthy tips for women’s health care, and how you can work with your providers to meet those needs. That’s why Edward-Elmhurst Health has created a guide to help you get started. A Healthy Diet: Eating right is the key to your overall wellness, and a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean protein sources will give you the nutrients you need to stay strong and energized. In addition to helping you stay in shape, a well-balanced diet helps keep your weight in check and reduces your risk for many diseases and conditions, including heart disease and diabetes.

Exercise: Regular aerobic activity can reduce your risk for several types of cancer and other health conditions. It’s also a great way to stay fit and build muscle mass that can help you look and feel slimmer. Sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for your mental health. It lowers your stress levels and helps you manage stress better. It is also linked to increased energy and improved memory.

What is Good For Women’s Health?

Annual Well-Woman Exams: A healthy tips for women’s health care is a great way to catch problems early, and it’s the ideal time for you to ask questions of your doctor. Your exam may include a Pap test (a screening for cervical cancer), breast exam and pelvic exams, as well as general health screenings to make sure you’re healthy.

Take Your Vitamins: Women need folic acid and Vitamin K to prevent birth defects during pregnancy, and women who’ve gone through menopause should increase their intake of foods with calcium and Vitamin D to help maintain bone health. Avoid alcohol: Excessive use of alcohol can lead to a number of health problems, including heart disease, liver damage and cancer. In some cases, excessive alcohol use can increase a woman’s risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

Talk to your Ob/Gyn: Whether you’re just starting to have children or have been struggling with your period for years, your doctor can be the best source of information. They can help you find the best birth control methods, answer your questions about fertility and menopause and troubleshoot issues like a low sex drive.

Protect Your Sexual Health: Having a healthy sex life is one of the most important parts of your health and happiness. It can be impacted by a range of factors, from emotional to physical, so it’s important to see a specialist for help with a wide range of sexual health concerns. OHSU’s Center for Women’s Health offers a wide range of services to support your sexual health, including the newest therapies and treatments in reproductive medicine and gynecology.

In a world of accelerating scientific advances, there’s an abundance of opportunities to develop new technologies and approaches that can be applied to female-specific health problems, like endometriosis, preeclampsia and unexplained infertility. Researchers are using the tools of genomics, tissue engineering and cell and gene therapy to create a wave of healthcare innovations that could redefine a wide range of health conditions for women in new ways.

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