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What’s the buzz about stevia?

I don’t like Stevia; it makes me feel like an ascetic.

Kelly was always hard to convince.

Having diabetes is always a complicated story. It’s something that can be emotional at times. One might sometimes just not want to give up sugar.

And if one has a sweet tooth, the deal becomes even more difficult.

Living with diabetes is challenging. And one has to work to meet the challenge. It takes one to achieve some changes in life.

You change the way you eat. Maybe I’ll go get some meds. You say no to soft drinks, even when you’re at a party. Life then includes more discipline and fewer nights out. And you have to be careful not to let all of this show up in your mood. One has to be careful not to be offended.

Stevia is the natural choice when one has diabetes

There are a number of reasons that make stevia the perfect sugar substitute, particularly if one suffers from diabetes.

Unlike sugar, which is high in calories, stevia is a natural zero-calorie sweetener. Additionally, stevia can be up to 300 times sweeter than sugar and, being nutrient-dense, it keeps the body flexible so one can control one’s appetite and not feel the need to consume high-calorie or sugary foods.

Still, in all likelihood, one would find it difficult to reject sugar entirely and gladly opt for stevia.

What makes sugar so hard to let go?

There is a mechanism by which sugar affects our mentality and even memory. When you have sugar, it invokes the same hormones as pleasure. Also, sugar gives one a temporary burst of energy. This

– Makes sugar addictive

– One tends to reach for sugar again and again, soon after the temporary surge of energy has ended.

– And this in turn increases the risk of diabetes.

So even though stevia doesn’t have a strong taste of its own, one might feel that they don’t like the taste.

The solution:

SVITEN has created a product for the scenario where one suffers from diabetes and cannot consume sugar, but stevia still gives you jitters.

Sviten Low Cal Diet Sugar is made from stevia extract purified as steviol, and this has some percentage of sugar. However, it offers less than 1/10 the calories of sugar, making it a much better option than sugar, particularly if one is diabetic or struggling with obesity.

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