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What Are the 5 Organic Fertilizer?

5 Organic Fertilizer

Organic fertilizers are usually derived from natural or renewable sources. These can include animal wastes & excreta, plant & vegetable residues, slurry or mineral sources. This makes the fertilizer less likely to be harmful to the environment, animals and humans compared to chemically made fertilizers.

The basic benefits of using Organic Fertilizer is that they are better for the soil microbes present in the soil. The soil microbes work to break down the nutrients in an organic fertilizer into a simpler form, so they are more easily available to the plants. They also improve water retention and, in time, add structure to the soil and improve water flow into the roots of the plants.

They do not make the soil heavier than necessary and tend to be lighter than inorganic fertilizers, allowing more air to reach the plant roots. These kinds of fertilizers can help prevent weeds and are not harmful to tender plant roots or the soil as some inorganic fertilizers can be. Some organic fertilizers are sprayed in a liquid form, while others are ground into powders or mixed with water and applied. A variety of these types of fertilizers can be found at many garden centers and online.

What Are the 5 Organic Fertilizer?

Chicken manure is a good source of nitrogen and can be used to encourage green growth in your garden. However, applying chicken manure directly can burn the tender plant roots so it is best to apply composted or comminuted chicken manure first. Cow manure is also a great source of nitrogen and can be applied to the garden to help stimulate green growth. This type of manure is a bit more potent than chicken manure so you need to ensure you properly compost it before using it on your plants.

Bone meal is another organic fertilizer that can be used in your garden to encourage root growth and fruit production. This is a granular type of fertilizer that can be purchased at many garden centers and online.

Fish emulsion is another type of organic fertilizer that can be applied to your garden to encourage root growth and increase the amount of nitrogen in your soil. It can be sprayed on the soil around your vegetables or sprinkled on top of the garden to promote root growth and produce more fruits and vegetables.

Kelp is a special kind of seaweed that can be ground into granules and can be used as a fertilizer for the garden. It can be sprayed on the garden or added to the soil as mulch for a slower release of nutrients than other fertilizers. Beets, spinach, lettuce, cabbage and broccoli all need a good boost of nitrogen in order to thrive. They can be grown in the same way as other crops and will benefit from the use of a fertilizer like blood meal or fish emulsion.

Unlike synthetic fertilizers that are injected into the ground and degrade over time, these organic fertilizers are naturally occurring in nature. They can be sourced from various resources and are usually more economical than the synthetic alternatives. These are a great option for any gardener interested in growing healthy, sustainable vegetables and fruits.

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