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Is the law of attraction arrogance supreme or real?

Imagine if everyone had the power to make whatever they wanted happen. You could get the job you want, get someone to sell you their house at the price you want, make someone fall in love with you, move the stock market to make a company’s stock go up or down because you want it to go that way. way, or even win the lottery,

This means that you are playing God and that the whole world must go the way you want it, regardless of others and what they want. Guaranteed that someone will want the opposite of what you want, or maybe they will also want to get the same job or house. Why should you get what other people want, too?

Then imagine the battle that would go on in the world, all the people pulling everything in different directions. Where is the freedom of choice or the right to life? The concept of LOA means that you can control many other people and make them do what you want because the LOA says that you can have whatever you want. Have you thought about that when making your vision board?

Imagining that you can use the LOA as you wish to get whatever you want, and it is so simple and wishful, implies that you are powerful enough to make any other human being simply a slave and a robot to do your bidding.

Having said all that, I have found the LOA mentioned in the Hermetic teaching for over 3000 years, so the principle is ancient and real, and if you knew the things that happened in my life, then the whole world should come to me for learn how to use the LOA.

The trick is to use the laws of the universe in a humble and fair way, so that no one is hurt or negatively controlled to satisfy a person’s ego or personal desires.

There are also many more things one must do that modern false teachers and ‘The Secret’ don’t talk about because of the hard work that goes into making the law work for you. But first, your heart and mind must be pure.

Your intentions and desires must be of a nature that is beneficial to all beings and your intentions must be to use what you get in a useful way for more than just you, because there is one guy who seems to have mastered the law to a great extent. degree, actually some of them, who had selfish and self-centered desires; Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, to name a few. On the other hand, Gandhi, Andrew Carnegie and Napoleon Hill have also dominated the LOA.

If you get the power and your heart is not pure, you will see what can happen. This is why the LOA is effectively useless to the masses and most people, by design, is a safety feature.

If you believe in this law and know that it can work for you, you must first really learn how to use it, and that is to be worthy of it working for you. Then choose the right things to attract and carefully consider what you will do when you get them.

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