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Can collagen tablets help with joint health and mobility?

Can collagen tablets help

Taking a collagen supplement isn’t just for people looking to age gracefully—collagen is also an essential protein for reducing joint pain and improving mobility. As we get older, the body’s natural production of collagen slows down, which can lead to aches and pains and cause the joints to degrade over time. However, by eating a healthy diet and taking dietary supplements like collagen, you can help boost your body’s natural production of the protein and ease joint pain.

Collagen is found throughout the body and is essentially what holds us together. The protein is found in the skin, ligaments, tendons, bones, and cartilage. There are 28 types of collagen, but four or five typically make it into dietary supplements. In particular, type 1 collagen peptides have been linked to improved joint health.

The best type of collagen to take for joint health is hydrolyzed, which is a form of the protein that’s been broken down into smaller molecules that the body can absorb easier. Hydrolyzed collagen can be found in many different supplements, but you want to make sure the product you buy is made of high-quality ingredients.

Can collagen tablets help with joint health and mobility?

In clinical trials, researchers have found that taking a hydrolyzed collagen pill can reduce joint pain and improve mobility. For example, in one study, 80 patients who were suffering from knee and hip osteoarthritis were given either a collagen pill or a placebo for 70 days. The results showed that the patients who took the pill had less pain as early as day 35, and they reported an improvement in their ability to participate in daily activities compared to those taking the placebo.

While more data is needed to support the use of collagen pills for improving joint health, it’s important to be aware of how the supplements work so you can decide if they are right for you. Always talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new dietary supplements, including collagen tablets for joint health.

The best way to prevent joint pain is to practice good exercise and nutrition habits. However, when your joints start to hurt from overwork or age, it can be hard to keep up with your fitness goals. Luckily, there are ways to help ease the pain that comes with this common condition. While there are many different treatment options for joint pain, a combination of therapies is usually recommended, including physical therapy and supplements. The most effective treatment options include a healthy diet, avoiding overuse of your joints, and using supplements like collagen for joints.

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