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I’m sorry I didn’t know it would be your test

We all go through trials. As we become mature Christians, we realize and come to expect them because we have learned that it is the trials in our lives that bring our spiritual fruits to fullness. However, recently visiting a new convert who was feeling suicidal because of the many wrongs he had done before salvation, especially to his family who no longer accepted him, I realized that sometimes we become the test for others. God may be using you and your past to bring the person you wronged closer to Him right now.

Of course, the devil, the accuser, is very adept at putting you on a guilt trip. But God gives us great comfort in Isaiah 43:25 “I, I am the one who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” He loves us so much no matter how bad we have been, when we ask for forgiveness he gladly gives it to us because he wants to. Forgiveness is so complete that He forgets it. It is past history. And there’s no need to let Satan bring that sin back and use it against you. He has been forgiven and forgotten.

I too, as a new convert, began to remember those I hurt. I was so sorry for those sins. If only we could erase the memory of those we have hurt by our past sins. But we can not. When we hurt them, we become their test.

ALL THINGS WORK FOR GOD’S PURPOSE — Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” God has the power and grace to take the bad things in life and use them for his good.


We must first repent and ask our Heavenly Father for forgiveness. We must understand and accept his forgiveness as described in Isaiah 43:25 to find the peace that God wants us to have.

Second, we must go to the person we hurt and ask for their forgiveness. If he has been rejected, you may need to write to them explaining the change God has made in his life and character. Then perhaps they will meet with you personally. They may have to see the change in you. If they forgive you, the situation is resolved and both of you will receive peace and joy.

If they don’t forgive you then you will continue to be used by God as part of his test. However, he has been released from the charge and is no longer responsible for the situation. Now it’s up to the person you hurt to ask God for forgiveness for his sin of unforgiveness. Only then will you receive peace and joy. In the end, YOU MUST CHOOSE to live your life filled with anger and bitterness, or in peace, joy and contentment. The only thing you can do is pray for them that they find the strength and wisdom to make the right decision.


A few years ago I was the director of a homeless ministry. Every Sunday we picked up approximately sixty to eighty people from the homeless shelter, loved them, ministered to them, prayed with them, fed them, and returned them to the shelter.

On this particular Sunday I went to the altar to pray with a young man who I noticed had cried during the message. Tattered clothes, messy hair, and a tired face that showed dejection. I asked if I could pray with him. He agreed. “Are you saved?” I asked. He quickly responded with teary eyes, “God surely wouldn’t save me, knowing the things I’ve done.” “Oh! But he will,” I replied. I shared Isaiah 43:25 with him and explained, “No matter what you’ve done, if you ask, God will forgive you and then give it back to you as a gift to use to bring others to Him. Not too long ago “I was where you are now. I know exactly how you feel. God has a purpose for your life.” He came to know Christ that day.

A few months later, my pastor called me into his office and handed me a letter to read. It was from this young man whose name he couldn’t remember.

It went something like this: Dear pastor, you probably don’t know me. A few months ago I was staying at a homeless shelter in Tulsa. One Sunday, a white-haired old man in a beat-up school bus picked me up along with others like me and took us to his church. I came because it was said that you served good home cooking.

That same old man prayed with me at the altar and that day I received Jesus.

When I got back to the shelter, I called my mom and asked her to send me some money to come home. She refused the money, but after much begging she agreed to send me a bus ticket.

Today I am clean, I have a decent job, my wonderful wife has welcomed me back to our home where we live here in Cleveland with our two beautiful daughters. We go to church faithfully. She too has come to know Christ.

Some friends and I have bought a beat-up old school bus with the intention of organizing a homeless ministry at our church. Can you send us some information that will help us have a successful ministry? Please pray for us. God has a purpose for my life. Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.”

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