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life without facebook

Social media was considered a waste of time by some schools of thought in the past, but now it is part of an image that one carries. You have to be on Facebook or you’ll feel left out when your friends are arguing and you’re looking at them like you’re deaf and dumb. Social networks have become a key activity in the daily routine of a large number of people from almost all walks of life. Nowadays if you ask someone for their Facebook account and the person doesn’t have one, you’ll think of that guy as a Stone Age person, not seriously.

Life of a FBer (Facebooker)

A normal day of a Facebook begins with the update of his status on Facebook and ends with the update of the status. Your breakfast starts with a status update and ends with another status update. You will also be aware of each and every move you make. What you eat, what you see on you tube. It will keep you informed about its exact location as you travel from one place to another. He will proudly present everything he sees, feels, smells, tastes, hears and even updates on what his sixth sense perceives. If your nose was runny that day, FBer will keep you updated on your nose throughout the day. In short, it will mess up your home page as if it were your home page and not yours.

life without facebook

So, Facebook and all other social networking sites have gone from this world due to some reasons… phew… (they’re not going anywhere, let’s just assume). Will there be any change in the lives of Facebook addicts? Yes absolutely, the world will be a totally different place for them. First of all, the Internet usage graph will drop dramatically. FBers will open their browsers, type and hit the enter key, but they’ll get a 404 error and the next thing they know is a concept that was introduced by Windows/Mac/Linux and everyone else. operating systems long ago that is TURN OFF THE DAMN MACHINE!. FBers will have better standards for things; will not “LIKE” each and everyone who sees. He will like what he likes, not what others like. Hanging out will be more of a real concept than a virtual one. FBers will have to physically go alone to meet their real tangible friends and they will have a lot to tell their friends.


I would love to write more but actually I have to go check my Facebook, I made a post and I have to see the comments, it’s been a long 20 minutes since I posted. I have to go.

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