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Manifestation Solutions – Mental Movies and the Power of Visual Manifestation

Did you see the movie “The Secret”? If you didn’t, the quick overview of the movie is that we have the ability to live the life of our dreams using the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that similar thoughts and feelings attract similar thoughts and feelings.

Unfortunately, many people do not use the power of the Law of Attraction effectively.

Why do people fail the law of attraction?

Most people do not know or understand the power of their own subconscious mind. The subconscious mind accepts what it is told without criticism. That is, if you allow suggestions of wanting a great job, seeing yourself in your dream job, collecting your dream paycheck… you will be presented with an opportunity to land your dream job.

Note that I said “the opportunity will present itself”. Most people believe that if they think about it long enough, their desire will manifest… that’s not how it works.

What is visualization?

However, studies show how the mind can only focus on one thought for about six seconds before another thought pops into our heads. This limits the power of the visualization technique. The power of visualization can and does work, and it works for everyone, including you.

Mind Movies has taken the power of visualization to a new and higher level by combining the power of technology with ancient techniques.

How do mind movies work?

Earlier you read how the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a real event and an imagined event. You have also read that the mind can only stay on one thought for only six seconds. Mind Movies overcomes this distraction by having you create a visual representation of your perfect, ideal life.

Simply input images into the software along with visual and verbal messages. Once you have completed the setup process, you will have designed your own Mind Movie.

Because you have designed your own film, with the images you want, the visual and verbal messages you have created, you feel a deep emotional bond with your film. Having strong emotional feelings towards seeing him strengthens the visualization process.

Your Mind Movie, created by you, allows you to program your mind with clarity, intention, focus and without distractions or interruptions.

Remember this famous Napoleon Hill quote: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve.” This is how Mind Movies works. It works for other people and it can work for you. By the way, when you go to the Mind Movies site, they have something special for you.

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