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Success in the Internet Marketing Profession: A Long Way to Go

Web marketing is a very broad field, and anyone who has immersed himself in it has a long story to share. In fact, every marketer has to go through a series of tug-of-wars that, if narrated correctly, can make an entire book.

Only experience makes them seasoned and that is what, how or why you know them. It is your continued effort to learn something new and apply it to the best of your knowledge and resources that sets your standards as a top salesperson. These qualities are always demanding and will always be so.

Being in this internet marketing profession for the last 5 years, I also have a lot to express. The first and foremost thing that drives me a lot is – “What does it take to be a good internet marketer??”

Here in this article, I am going to make it clear that every salesperson is a winner, regardless of the industry they are in or the amount of revenue they bring to a business. If you aspire to be a part of this industry, following these tips will keep you ahead of the competition.

A. Have an eye for doing something new:

We all know that when it comes to applying a marketing strategy, most of us start stealing other people’s ideas. Whether you accept it or not, it is a fact. We tend to copy things from others; tweak them a bit whenever possible and reclaim our allegiance. In this web world where most of the information is freely accessible, this is something you cannot avoid.

However, one must be capable enough of permuting and combining the information available on the web and working on it judiciously. You must learn to mix and match different types of marketing opportunities and find something different from what is already in style.

For example: Business websites and mobile apps (on iOS or Android devices) have two different functional goals and one target user segment. They also run on different platforms. A website provides business information and generates business inquiries online while an app is for entertainment and quick access to some specific online services. Now you can think about integrating your company’s website into a mobile application and helping your customers access your company’s products or services from any smartphone. Therefore, the apps can also be used as an extended version of your web marketing initiative and customer service system. You can also develop a Facebook app to generate business inquiries just like you do through your website.

B. Instill true management skills:

Good management skills don’t necessarily come in a big package. This is well accepted. However, applying basic skills like email etiquette, telephone etiquette, general aptitude, and communication skills can go a long way. Understanding the psychology and inclination of clients is also an important skill that can be learned by doing. A good salesperson knows when to share problems and issues with customers and how to do it effectively. It’s important for him to anticipate what’s going through his client’s mind when he sends him a poor performance report at the end of the month. The way he convinces or rather pacifies his client demonstrates his strong interpersonal skills.

C. Explore more and more resources:

Create an Excel spreadsheet and write down everything you’ve learned new or tried to learn for the first time. Develop a quick knowledge feed and keep it handy. The resource could be a unique online tool, an article, a PDF, or a free manual—anything you want to refer to twice. Make bookmarks a habit.

D. Join communities:

Be part of the bigger world that says ‘WE’, not ‘ME’. You cannot stay away from people on social networking websites. Doing something is better than doing nothing; It doesn’t matter if you lead a busy life or just don’t like to appear on online social networking sites. Manage at least one hour a day and get hooked on two or three social platforms. Build relationships with like-minded people who are active on social forums.

Stay in tune with people who have a similar level of interest. Create your business portfolio that sounds like YOU. Develop, share and spread ideas while following others or someone following you. Participate in forum discussions, blog comments, quizzes, contests, and attend blogger meetups at your convenience. Join Google Hangouts for live discussions or join Quora for a few productive hours.

E. Get ideas and work on them:

Read magazines, blogs, and online books by your favorite authors. Get involved in creative and R&D activities whenever you get the chance. You can start reading autobiographies of successful internet entrepreneurs and learn innovative ways to market your ideas. You can also study about the startups that failed miserably. Learn from them what works, what doesn’t. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.

F. Think big and be proactive:

In marketing, you cannot restrict yourself to any specific stream or topic of expertise. You must be equally good at accounting, IT, software applications, human resource management, and any other line of business. The term “Jack of all trades” is true in this field of work. A good marketer is a good writer, a good salesperson, and a good researcher. He may plan to write a piece of content one day; he can try his hand at Photoshop another day; you can launch your own blog and modify the HTML and CSS files a bit; there are so many things a good salesperson can do and memorize. These qualities are beyond his supposed job description.

G. Learn not to give up but to continue:

People with strong determination and perseverance can only survive and prosper in this field of marketing. Customer expectations and competition are severe and constantly growing. You must know what and how to serve a client; how to meet deadlines one after another. Develop judgment skills and that will help you make an informed decision.

H. Keep Options and Opportunities Open:

Strategies and tactics don’t work sometimes. If ‘do this’ doesn’t work for you, enjoy ‘do that’. Find as many alternatives as you can and have a solid reserve bank for each of the problems you can counter in the future. The problems are varied, so you can’t expect to follow the theory. Contingency planning is another area in which you need to excel.

I. Show your character:

Develop a strong character and cultivate the same among your teammates. Spread positive vibes around. Conquer your emotions. Understand how things/situations change over time and how you need to react to control them. Be prepared to face the odds, as unprecedented incidents may continue to affect your confidence level.

Whenever you are faced with difficult situations, take a deep breath, feel balanced, and move slowly. Let time dilute the hype and excitement instead of taking a quick call that isn’t warranted. Don’t exaggerate anything; do not make any rash decisions, do not act on the spur of the moment; do not consider winning or losing as a fixed asset. Keep calm and believe in positive change. Appreciate your weaknesses and inabilities, but don’t grieve or let it pass you by.

If something isn’t working in your favor, think twice before giving up -“Why did you put so much effort and try for so long?


I’m sure most successful salespeople have their own set of skills that cannot be copied or assimilated, but that’s only 10% of the total required to be successful in this profession. Rest 90% is common to all and can be easily nurtured. If you want to stand out as a dynamic marketing person, you need to work on this 90% share first. The remaining 10% will be developed automatically.

The final note: success can’t always be measured or apprehended. Therefore, it is ideal that you avoid qualifying yourself or comparing yourself to others.

This article has been conceptualized and written by Sanat Singha, owner of, an internet marketing blog.

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