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Yip, yip! What yips are there in golf?

Jeep! I have the yips. They are affecting my golf swings and putting. How debilitating and humiliating this can be for you. You have every reason to be concerned, as this will affect the effectiveness and accuracy of your golf shots and strokes. Another way to describe what yips are in golf is to describe spasms, jitters, or jerks.

Don’t worry, as this is a common condition that affects golfers long-term or is associated with the aging process.

There are many people who have different opinions about what yips are in golf and how to get rid of them. There are different types of treatments to help control this mental/emotional golf condition.

Corrective outlets can be achieved through occupational therapy, physical therapy, and other developmental therapists who specialize in motor skills.

Energy psychology is a new method to correct yips. The yips are obvious and painful. The basic methods to eliminate them are the same as for other mental/emotional problems that cover approximately 90% of golf.

Here are some examples of basic energy psychology or “clearing points” used with optimal breathing.

  • Pre-round cleanup to clear tension and anxiety.
  • Pre-round elimination of imaginary yips
  • Clearance on the golf course during the approach and on the greens
  • Eliminate shame, humiliation, and other emotional factors as a result of yips
  • Exploring Other Emotional Causes
  • Exploring comfort zone issues
  • exploring self sabotage
  • Detective investigating to get rid of other negative emotional baggage

There is an inner critic inside your mind that is sabotaging an undesirable partner. That devil of mischief is creating fear, doubt, anger, shame, confusion, and much more.

It can be the underlying cause of physical symptoms of tension, anxiety, nervousness, sweaty palms, and other aches and pains.

A new form of golf psychology confronts the negative, turns it around by confronting and controlling the yips. It is worth researching him.

What do you have to lose? You may never play golf again because of the yelling and if you love golf, that’s the last thing you want to do.

To help correct yips in golf, there is a new mental golf system that is gaining popularity. This new system works for three reasons:

  • Tap into your subconscious and modify your brain’s golf programming.
  • It shows you a shortcut to enter the area.
  • The power of golf hypnosis

Reach your true potential by mounting your mind with negative barriers that ruin your focus and cost you blows.

Get started correcting golf yips today. Visit Tricia Deed’s sports section at and check out Renegade Mindset Techniques For Golf. Master your mind. Cut your handicap.

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