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Know when to quit

I am a person who doesn’t know when to quit because my parents never seemed to question unhappiness. If you started something, you had to finish it no matter what.

Despite this damaging determination, the family has rarely been very successful at anything, and the only member who worked hard enough to succeed was also the one who knew when to retire early and enjoy the rest of his life.

I am also a Psychic Medium which means I work with the Spirit World. As part of my job it is customary to ask for help and then look for the answers. This week I was given an answer that was so clear and categorical that I couldn’t possibly miss the meaning, yet it took someone else to point it out to me.

Why is it so hard for us to let go of the things that make us unhappy?

I once had a client who was very unhappy with her life and didn’t know what to do or how to make decisions. I thought about this for a moment running several complex formulas in my mind, and then I asked my Guide for inspiration and she told me:

“The answer is simple, if something makes you happy do it, if it makes you unhappy don’t do it or change it.”

We had a great discussion after that statement, working very hard to complicate it, and yet when it comes down to it, it’s a very effective way of making decisions.

Yes, we talk about romantic relationships, particularly when children are involved, and we all know how hard it is to break up a relationship when children are going to get hurt too. We make it as complicated as possible, but when you stop to think about it, if you’re not happy, the kids will know and they won’t be happy either.

We talk about work and the need to earn money, but no matter how complicated you try, it all boils down to the simple fact that it is possible to enjoy your work and earn money, whether it’s doing something you love or in a happy environment where you won. I don’t care if your work is mundane.

Every time we tried to complicate an issue in life, we couldn’t help but return to that basic simplicity that he shared with us. If you’re not happy, try to change whatever he’s doing to you, or walk away from it.

I am about to put my money where my mouth is and walk away from an opportunity that could have been brilliant, it has had its wonderful aspects but at the end of the day it has made me frustrated and angry from the get go.

From now on I choose happiness.

I wish you happy days and peaceful nights.


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